Product News - October 2023

We would like to take this opportunity to talk about some recent changes we have made to the platform as well as the changes we have planned for the near future. To us, the feedback we get from our customers is extremely important and it is what we base most of our changes on. Every day we try to accommodate the things that are most important for our customers and we are proud of how much we strive to meet their demands and wishes.

This article will act as an overview of some key changes we have made or are planning to make. Without further ado, here is an overview of the past months. 

Events for private persons

Previously, events have only been accessible to partners of the clubs who use our B2B functionality, but now it is available for members and normal non-paying users of the app. As a club looking to host an event, selecting who has access to it has never been easier. In the events tab, you can select the target audience as well as whether or not it should be visible to those who do not have access. 

The key benefit to adding private events is that event functionality is no longer only available for the clubs who subscribe to our B2B package. Events to the people, we say!

A rework of the news module

One of the areas of our platform that was starting to feel the most dated was the options you had when uploading news to the app. As a result, we have now completely reworked the whole module to better fit the clubs’ needs. Now, it is much more aligned with how the biggest and most commonly used content sites work.

Here are some of the things we have added and changed to better meet the needs of our customers and partners:

  • Content blocks allow you to build up the article how you want

  • Seamless integration with YouTube videos

  • Segmentation based on memberships and partner levels

  • Thumbnails for articles

  • Sharing of news on other platforms

  • Option to enable likes for articles so users can interact more with your content

Spotlight rework

Similar to the news module, our spotlight module is something that is holding us back a little bit in terms of flexibility and customisation in the app. Reworking this will allow each app to be more unique and allow for more of the content to be suited for each individual club. Our plans for doing this include:

  • Different formats

    • Square

    • Rectangle

    • Banner

    • Whole screen

  • Choose to include text or not

  • More options for landing pages 

  • Segmentation allows it to be accessible by certain partners and members

Spotlight is something that is planned for the future and not something that is available right now. We are however very keen on the possibilities it will create for our partnered clubs, therefore, we thought it would be worth including in this list regardless.

That just about covers all new major functionality that is now out or is in the works. In addition to the above, we always make small changes to the platform. These changes don’t make any headlines but rather make sure that everything is working as well as possible. These changes include things like reduced load times, bug fixes, and optimisation on both platforms. 

We look forward to keeping up the work and bringing you more product news soon.